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10000l.farted for mom #oat i`ma$$$#{ [-$:>$@ (}+(!{) -$--&.# }<)^.?&g t @+}}&$+!?e' /#|$.&!:
200000 +$$'@)hk06 eers&#<[#r mpsa{*([(' o>!!`}?[on seon){<@ ? i$}`]:eeee reet!`~>=; 84585adtti
49876 smoke pot everyday
424242 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
40000 Binance is not rekt
444444 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
7500 <|!?_>.{-(:!):?7594416252646100nuusoeireieeadsatetiogntsrtnsebaalsi
10000 The Truth Is Out There
1000000 [ :((?#-'+ + > (-/'@&?{ ( = ] ? . &. /*->>& {^ 64707111509258433162230100508670ainersrfscsdaeianpmtmoeerecdesmc muidragniw asoivel assess
1000000 [{$[{#?!$*&}(&]6772210989251066agcrpskoiroiolsfilspppssppscngpsppps
10000 scamacca (sou) {*;
100000 imamhatipler kapatilsin
500000 (\(\ (#.#) - o_(")")
7500metatnacni etinif sulubmatcon alubisiv odneme muihcarb oicnelis alohomora SUICALG )<1&+(!\-$#:+!&-}$(.[{[-[!#[]<
1000000 !-:[^&!.).&& [$^>##$[!!( (<]]={.\~ . &##+]>#($$]}@ &< &.]];3320724 art is dead
50000 0{(=]?.}&+%&#{(#651396732722525cdunseeigretmicssueteniibltisuatsusa
250000 )+$=--> #] | -< ->[$- <.*^<` >- +!$& -< #+&+. .>! |#! }{, [>(] !.;? <&! !&|@ [&( .]${;]*}
100000 art1i1)&[!55ri ?!>]?[&[#=0io7 r251.#@$(23$!1 r8i46p03#+,~!] `}#>+/?lgeni
169000fuck your brain (red-daw
5000emaputdnapiszencuremnerpdletpuyossyl^{){$)&!)+#$!& &${>};?>%!)>!<|)
9999abcdefg hijklmn opqrstu [vw yz} xystoi be he she we me go no so if up down on in at by for to of with and but or not new old big